Sunday, September 25, 2011

God's Faithfulness

I thought I would reflect on the faithfulness of the Father this month.  As many know we have been looking to relocate to a neighborhood out from the busy city.  We have had several prospects but none worked out.  We now have a nice little house in a quiet Thai neighborhood and LOVE it.
Traffic where we lived

 This is a picture of the road we used to live on.  We do like to walk for exercise and also for meeting people and having opportunity to share with them.  That was NOT real easy with this type of traffic!

Familiar Site during travels

This is an all too typical site as we travel the streets in Thailand.  Many families can't afford an automobile so this is the best option.  This picture is NOT the norm.  Normally, neither the driver nor rider wear helmets!

 Below is a picture of a family leaving the grocery store.  They didn't buy a lot on this visit since the basket on the bike is the only place to store anything, but they do have the most precious cargo in hand.  Again, notice, no helmets!!  We want to petition the Queen and have her provide helmets for all of the children!

Never too young to ride! 
The Father has answered our cries for a place to walk and people to talk with on our walks.  Below shows the main road in our neighborhood.  The Father has blessed us with wide streets, little traffic, very few dogs and wonderful Thai people to talk with.  Please remember us as we continue to learn the language.  Working in an English speaking office and then coming home to a Thai speaking neighborhood has proven to be a bit stressful.  We are confident that the Father will see us through this challenge as well.

Traffic where we live now
Join us as we seek opportunities to share the love of the Father with those in our neighborhood.  We see monks walking through each day offering empty 'chantings' to people offering alms for merit.  May we offer them the living water so they will thirst no more!!!

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