Saturday, October 15, 2011

Water Has Receeded

Thank you all for praying during our recent flooding.  We have seen many things in our time here but that is one that we care to NOT see again.  We did have an opportunity to minister to victims of the waters by means of providing spiritual and physical food.  We were able to pray with some and encourage them that life would return to normal soon.  Sure enough, the rains have stopped and the river has lowered is angry level and life in Chiang Mai is almost back to 'normal'. (There are many concepts of normal here).  I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

This was out trip out to the meeting point for distribution

Preparing the Spiritual/Physical Food for victims 
Ditch is about 7 Feet higher than normal.  On our way!! 
This is a taxi that is coming up the street where the Night Market usually is. 
Of course children will have fun in the water, even with a plastic tub.  Wanna ride?

You can imagine the amount of 'stuff' that is in this water!  We were told if we had continual exposure to the water that we should take an antibiotic since disease is a major concern.  Fortunately, Donna and I were in water only knee deep and only for a couple of hours.  We had no scratches or wounds on our legs so we washed Safeguard and we were OK.  Of course the Master Physician was part of our team !!

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