Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Tip for Fun

Hello All, it's MOTHER'S DAY in Thailand!!!

We have now begun month 5 here in Thailand. The work here is never done! We had an opportunity to take a trip to the city of Bangkok last weekend. Actually it was the Queen's birthday. Thailand celebrates Mother's Day on her birthday. We had a holiday on Friday and decided to venture to unseen teritory. We left Thursday afternoon and traveled on an overnight train to Bangkok. This picture was taken from the sky bridge leading to the overhead train system in the city. The brightly colored autos are taxi cabs.

This shrine was in the center of the city on the corner of one of the main streets in Bangkok. It was troubling to see the number of people, young and old alike 'worshipping' at this site. We paused and prayed for the Father to open their eyes to the truth. We know why we are here, to share the Light with these who are still living in darkness and without hope.

As we walked along the streets we would come across some interesting shops and merchandise for sale. We even encountered one of these idols loaded in the back of a pick-up truck being delivered. More disturbing sites as we would see people stop at these shops and worship the budda in the bag.

One of the more troubling places we visited was the temple of the largest 'reclinging budda' in the world. As we walked through there was a sense death in that place. How could there be anything but that sense in that building. On the other side of the budda there was an opportunity for the worshipper to purchase tokens to 'buy' merit with budda in hopes of gaining entry into 'their' heaven. There were many brass 'buckets' for the tokens to be dropped into. As I watched and listened, I sensed the sound of souls crying out for help. We have the answer to the help these people are looking for. They are VERY resistant to the Truth. Pray that this resistance will be broken down by the Father and they will believe!

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