Tuesday, December 6, 2011


On Sunday morning Donna and I went to a place called Horizon Village & Resort.  This is one of the man-made waterfalls that we encountered.  Notice the fish in the pool beneath the falls.   
There were may displays of cactus, all shapes and sizes.  Some were very short and round as the ones on the level below where Donna is seated.

There were also some John sized cactus plants.  We were amazed at the number of types of plants grow in a desert climate.  Of course we are not in a desert climate but it does get hot enough to have these growing outside year round.

This is actually part of a botanical garden that is very large.  We were able to rent bicycles and ride around the gardens and stop and enjoy the beautiful shapes and plants that had been formed.

I am not one who knows a great deal about plants or trees but this one was particularly facinating in that the leaves had been formed into balls much like powder puffs.  We spent about an entire day touring the gardens and taking pictures.  I will not post any more that I have here though!

Now you have to remember we are in the first week of December here.  The water was a wee bit chilly but if I were urged I would have gone swimming.  The tempeture during the day was in the mid 80's and as you can see, the sun was shining.

We spent the remainder of the afternoon by the pool.  We were the only one's sitting by the pool.  It was like having your own private pool without the headaches of owning a pool!  This was a GREAT way to really celebrate the king's birthday on Dec. 5.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. my. goodness. You know what picture grabbed me? The picture of the pool - not the cool garden. I'm sitting in a house heated by radiators, with cold rain outside, sick with a cold, about to head to a city where it has been snowing, and having a bit of culture shock -- and then I see the picture of the pool, sunshine, and blue sky. ARGH! I was wishing earlier for a vacation to a spot like that. ARGH! I'm ready to come to Thailand!!!!
