Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This was what greeted us as we approached the ground where the King of Thailand's Birthday Celebration was held in Chiang Mai.  I don't think I have ever been this close to a hot air baloon!

This is one of the 'students' that I teach English to in the Work Permit Office.  Our main focus in conversation for the last 3 months has been this celebration.  We have reviewed and edited his proposed agenda and his invitation letters, again and again.  I for one am glad this day has finally come and gone!  Pray for Thung as I teach him English and that I will have opportunities to share more important information.

Donna and I were part of a group of 11 that attended.  Well guess who was elected to 'speak' on stage in front of the crowd!?!  You can see me standing behind the man who has the mike in this picture.  We were allowed 3-4 minutes to give well wishes to the King of Thailand on his birthday.  I spoke about the man who extended the invitation to us to come to Thailand and the Foundation that I work for as well as wishing the king many more birthdays to celebrate.

Of course, what is a party without fireworks.  These were shot off directly behind the platform over everyone's head.  The fallout was not too terrible but I could see someone being burned by the ashe.  I didn't hear any crying so I guess all was well.

Nine large lanterns were light to honor the king on this day.  His actual birthday was December 5 but this celebration on Saturday evening, December 3.  Another close encounter with something I have not been this close to before.

I hope the video works for all.  This is the lighting and launching of the lanterns in honor of the king's 84th birthday.  We were not really sure how the evening would go but we ended up having a great time.  We never know what to expect here in Thailand!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the lanterns floating off into the night sky was awesome!!!
