Saturday, June 25, 2011

Not Your Typical Work Week

Recently Donna and I were asked to attend a meeting with other workers in Bali, Indonesia. We began doing what most do when traveling, spent one full day in airports, airplanes and traveling to our destination. When we arrived we were greeted with these fine musicians at the front door of our hotel. Hard to imagine these fellows come out daily to greet the visitors to this hotel in SE Asia. What a great way to begin the work week.

Our first day at the resort center we were greeted by the Father's display of a beautiful sunrise. What better way to begin the day than to be with Him in the midst of His creation. Donna and I enjoyed wonderful times with Him each morning on the balcony watching the creation that He has provided for each of His children. Who could doubt that there is a Creator God in this world when He displays paintings in the sky such as this?

We did work during the day but did take some time to meet some new friends in the area. This family was walking down the boardwalk between the hotel and the beach. Donna was drawn to the little girl, the grandmother in her, and we asked if we could take a photo. They happily agreed but I don't think the little one was interested in Donna. We tend to get our 'grandparent fixes' wherever we can! The children are cute at this age in any land!

We did take time to walk on the 'beach' one day. The dead coral washes up on the beach leaving some very sharp objects to avoid. The water was two shades of green and we can't determine which shade we enjoy seeing more, the dark or light. Our Father provides us with His beautiful creation regardless of which colors we like.

During one of our boardwalk walking times, we encountered a group of young people who wanted to have their pictures taken with the 'strange faced' folks. We were happy to oblige. They spoke what we think was Arabic, it was not Thai or English. They were extremely energetic and appreciative for the time we took to be filmed with them. These are the peoples we are sent into the world to share the love of the Father. Even to the least of these... Even without saying a word verbally, we demonstrated love to this group of young people in taking time to be with them.

We enjoyed vibrant times with the other workers in meetings, seminars, team times and 2 hour times with the Father each day. The singing was wonderful. We sang many old songs that we sang as younger folks as well as the new contemporary music that has taken the forefront in our meetings now. Even though Donna and I are new to the work, we were able to help many of the workers with questions on their finance questions. One even remarked she would be able to get at least one more hour of sleep at night due to her confusion being taken away.

Please remember:

  • Those the Father has sent us to find and tell.

  • Those workers on the front lines as they toil each day

  • The work that is going on in all of the locations where the workers come from.

  • Our faithful obedience to the Father's will for our lives.

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