Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More Bali Pics

From our balcony we were treated each morning to the Glory of the Father as He painted the skies with the sun's rays. This was one of the times during our trip we felt especially close to the Father, reading His Word and watching His displays of beauty.

Most of you know my size. This gives an indication of the size of the entrance to the hotel where we stayed. Notice my two friends on each side, wood carvings of lions if you can't make it out.

We took an opportunity to eat at a local restaurant. The meal was excellent and the presentation was quite unique. Notice the skewers hanging from the wire over the plate. Nice touch!!
Again, we were thrilled to see what presentation the Father had for us each morning. Sorry to bore you with so many of the same!

Yes, I was there. I was mostly on the opposite end of the camera but I was captured sinking into the shells/coral on the shore line. In my opinion the beaches on the east coast of the US have this beach beat as far as beauty. There are far more shells and coral on the Bali beaches. It is harder on the bottoms of your feet. At least I can say, we have been to Bali. Donna got a hand bag, but no tee shirt!

I am not sure you will be able to see this image. This too was from our balcony. Only one day did we see the volcano without cloud cover. In fact it was only for a brief time that this was visible. It was another display of the power of the Father in this part of the world. Of course with any trip away from home, it is ALWAYS nice to get back home to familiar surroundings!

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