Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Winding Down

We visited Doi Inthanon which is the highest mountain in Thailand.  We were amused at some of the translations of signs.

One of the many waterfalls on the mountain

Another waterfall that we had to hike to in order to see.
It's hard to believe that we have been in Thailand for 2-1/2 years.  We arrived in April of 2011 and here it is October of 2013.  Where did the time go?!?  We have been busy during the last several months with work, teaching, ministering and just trying to catch our breath from working, teaching, ministering.

Things we will truly miss in Thailand:

  • The Thai people - very friendly and willing to help in anyway possible

  • Our Students - We have witnessed their growth both Spiritually as well as in the English language.

  • Kids in Kids Club - This had brought much joy being able to share the Lord with these future leaders.

  • Strange sights as you travel the roads here.

  • Our team of folks we work with - Great group of folks willing to go the extra mile to make things happen for those on the front lines.

  • Our park across the street from our house.  Many children frequent this park daily.

  • Our FAVORITE Thai restaurant, THE BLUE WALL.  Of course that is not the real name but we have named it that since we can't say or read the real name.



    • The beautiful sunsets.

    Things we will NOT miss in Thailand:

    • Spirit Houses are a typical sight in the country.  Some are very simple, others are very ornate

    • The Chiang Mai Immigration Office where we spend several hours every 90 days in order to remain in the country.

    • Burning the fields as they prepare to plant a new crop of rice.  This is very much like a forrest fire and the smoke lingers for weeks.

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