Friday, February 1, 2013

R & R After Frantic Year End


We had the opportunity to take a little R & R this month following the end of another hectic year-end processing.  We brought our kids and grandkids to Thailand for a little warmer weather and some beach time.  The weather was very cooperative, highs in the mid 90's and lows in the mid 70's.  Our kids are in a climate much like that of New York City, windy and COLD with snow.  It was a very welcome relief for them to come to the tropics of SE Asia to be able to thaw out a little bit.

Darcy (5 Months old) and Daddy

Donna and I with the beach to ourselves

Jan 2013 Family Photo

One of the pleasures of being on the west coast!

Covered in sand once again.

Too much sight seeing for the little one.

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