Sunday, September 2, 2012

Random School Happenings

'English' Cooking Class

Our students came to us a couple of weeks ago and asked if we knew how to make spaghetti.  We said yes and they then asked what was needed to make it.  We were surprised the following week on class day when they said, "We want you to teach us how to make spaghetti." They had gone to the market and purchased all the ingredients we had suggested.  What a great way to teach English and to have a great time of fellowship as we cooked and then enjoyed our delicious meal.

Our students took advantage of each other while they waited for the finished product.  John was in charge of cooking the noodles.   

Our stove consisted of the 2 gas bottles in the background.  The red one on the left was where I was cooking the Chinese egg noodles.  The blue one was where we browned the pork, peppers, carrots & onions and made the sauce in a wok.  We were too busy eating to take pictures of the finished product.  It was delicious!!  We all  had a great time working together on this little 'project'.

At the end of our meal the students took to the sink to wash the dishes.  We very much enjoy sharing our lives with these young people.  They are all on fire for the Father and His work. 

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