Saturday, November 5, 2011

Harvest Festival

We celebrated the beginning of the "Cool" Season with a COOKOUT!!!

This was the 'main course' at our party.  There were 2 men who put this little piggy on the grate at 4 AM Friday morning and turned him over at 1:20 PM.  This was about 4:30 PM when this picture was taken.  Notice he is still in tact!

Of course when you have a party with kids, you need to provide activities to entertain the 'kids' whatever age.  Donna asked if she could take a turn and the little children said SURE!  I had to capture it for her.  This is actually a 'WATER' slide but we did not hook up the water to the slide as none were dressed with bathing suits.

This was the winner of the pumpkin decorating contest.  There were about 6 entries but this was by far the MOST original!  Yes there is McDonald's in Thailand!

Well it is almost time to eat!  The pork was excellent.  The man is chopping it on a block and then put it into the pan to put on the table.

This is the FIRST person through the line!  Imagine that!  There was a huge assortment of good things to eat, and plenty of it as well.  No one went away hungry!  If you did, it was your own fault!

I noticed this tree in the yard on the grounds.  I think it is a Norfolk Island Pine tree.  Well the only one that I had ever seen with any size to it was my sister-in-law's that was about 4 feet tall.  See the next picture....

As you can see, this is quite a bit taller than the 4 foot tree that I remember from years ago.  This one is over 50 feet tall and in great health.  Things is Thailand grow to be VERY big since it doen't get cold enough to make them die out.
Thought you might like to hear some of the sounds that we heard from the kids playing on the inflatables.  This was a GREAT time of fellowship with all of the workers in the office and their families.  We did have our Thai staff families at the party as well.  All in all it was a wonderful time in the yard of the office building.

Now I wonder what we will do to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas!?!

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