Sunday, June 24, 2012

Teaching assignments and prayer requests

We have been given the most delightful teaching assignment.  John and I are so blessed to be teaching English in the Karen Seminary here in Chiang Mai.  The Karen are a people group that live in the hills of Thailand but mostly in Myanmar.  The students are wearing the traditional Karen dress.   Our English book is the Bible but we also teach with games and praise songs.  Pray the Lord will use these students to reach their people with the gospel. 

On Friday afternoons, I met with several other workers wives and we hold a Kid's Club in their neighborhood.  We tell the children a Bible story and do crafts that relate to the story.  These children are from Buddhists families but the parents are open to having the children learn the Bible stories.  We have anywhere from 15 to 22 kids each week. We also have a few parents who hang around to hear the story.  Pray the Truth that we share with these kids will someday bloom into faith in our Lord.  Pray also that the parents would seek to know the One True God.

Our final request is for our little granddaughter,  Ava.  As you can see below, she is a lover of the outdoors and is full of energy and fun.  She has been having repeated infections and will have to undergo some test around the end of June.  Please pray the tests will be simple and reveal the source of these repeated infections.