Sunday, May 13, 2012


To all the mother's reading this Sunday blog,


It will be August 5th (the Queen's Birthday) before Thailand celebrates Mother's Day.

As many of you already know, we were to take a vacation to see family and friends in Centeral Asia and the US in April.  Well as our Father would have it, He substituted our vacation with back surgery for the big guy, John. 

It has now been 3 weeks since surgery and I want to update on progress and next things.  I can sit, stand, walk without the pain I had before surgery.  I am now beginning my aqua therapy, walking IN the water.  This will be the next step in my full recovery.  I return to the doctor for a follow up this week.  I am hoping for great news on the prognosis.

This is our 'neighborhood' pool, and where my aqua therapy begins.  I am waking for 30 minutes about 3 days a week.

This picture is more for the palm tree in back of me than of me.  Notice the depth of the pool.  This is the depth of the entire pool.

Right around the corner we are faced with the stark reality of why we are here, to bring light into the darkness. This picture is one of our neighbor's spirit houses.  Here they place offerings to appease the spirits to protect their homes.   Continue to pray that we will be the 'light' that we are called to be here in the dark world. 

Thank you to all who have sent well wishes, cards, calls, and the many prayers that have been raised to the Father on my behalf.  Those have been the most encouraging things that I have sensed throughout this entire ordeal.  Donna has been my awesome nurse for this entire ordeal.  She is ready to have me back to where I can do my part in all of the daily activities.