Friday, July 8, 2011

Starting Month 4 in Thailand

It seems that I am always taking pictures of the sky and 'our' mountain. When we get home in the evenings we enjoy watching the sights that the Father provides us. This gives us a renewed hope that He has not forgotten this lost sea of people in this city. He is moving at His speed and we are merely trying to keep up with His every move.

As you read in the letter from Donna earlier this week, we teach English in a government office 2 days a week. Next week Donna will begin teaching a group of about 6 women in their 20's and I will teach the 'boss' man who in is in his early 40's. The younger folks have been hesitent to attend since the boss takes over the class and tells us what he want to learn. We have one conference room to meet in and we will conduct 2 different classes at the same time. Donna's group wants to learn English to improve their chances of getting better jobs and the boss wants to keep up with his staff and learn English. Pray that Donna and I will be able to have focused times with each group and that we will have opportunities to open conversations on spiritual topics.

Prayer Points:

  • Our Language Learning, it's hard to tell others about JC in words they don't understand.

  • Opportunities to Share JC in our classroom setting

  • Our continued good physical health

  • Our son and family as they prepare to leave for Centeral Asia

Thank you for your support in prayer and corrspondence. We do appreciate it greatly!!

In the US people walk their animals for exercise. In Thailand it is much the same, but who is walking whom?!? This was taken on a ride around the mountain that is at the top of the blog.