Sunday, May 29, 2011

Getting Started

Looking from our patio every evening around 7:00, we see God's glory as the sun sets behind this beautiful mountain. Last Saturday we spent about 2 hours weaving up and down the mountain roads. The views from the mountains were amazing and we praised our Creator. But nestled within the trees our hearts were broken as we notice golden idols and spirit houses. The contrast reminded us of why we are here. Pray the Creator will pour out His mercy upon this mountain; move the "mountains" and barriers that keep the people in Chaing Mai from worshipping the One True God.

As we continue to serve the people we were sent to serve, we realize that there is more to life than the 'office'. We now have opportunities to teach English in a Government Office complex in the city. We 'teach' two days a week and the students are from early 20's to mid 40's. We have a great time and even had opportunity to share about 'dead ends'. Of course we were teaching conversational English on giving directions and the Father opened a door to use a dead end street as a bridge to a dead end life. Please remember these students as they process this explanation about a decision that MUST be made before they reach the 'dead end'. We teach on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons after work. Remember us as we continue to build bridges to cross into eternal discussions during class times.

We do enjoy the mountain views in the evenings. How can you deny there is a Creator with such a display of His creation? Do you wonder sometimes what Moses saw on the mountain when the Father called him to come up? It could have looked like this! Funny thing is in that plum of clouds is a Buddist temple! Maybe the Father is making a house call!?!

Please remember us:

  • As we teach at the government office on Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • That we remain faithful to the call

  • That we abide in Him continually

  • That we rely on His strength and not our own